In 2022 the European Union celebrates the European Year of Youth, which aims not only to honour the European Youth but also to bring us, as the youth, hope and joy seeing as "the pandemic has robbed young people many opportunities" as stated by Ms. Ursula von der Leyen in October 2021. Thus, this celebration will consist of various youth-centred activities across all EU Member States, with an additional focus on including topics that the youth sees as priorities in the European Union policy areas such as environmental and educational, as well as on allowing the youth to be actively involved in the decision-making process.
According to the results from a Eurobarometer survey conducted in 2019, 77% of the respondents have been actively involved in political organisations and movements, showing that the European Youth is engaged in contributing to a change in Europe, whether it be through supporting environmental, cultural or educational causes. Furthermore it must be noted that when asked what the EU means to them, Europeans aged 16 to 30 mentioned freedom to travel, study and work anywhere in the European Union.
The Commission aims to further fulfill the demands and wishes of the youth by coordinating the youth-centred activities throughout the course of 2022, with the European Parliament, the member states, regional and local authorities, youth organisations and young people themselves. The initiatives developed for this special year will receive the funding of eight million euros from the Erasmus+ programme, which has been providing extraordinary experiences to students in Europe, and the European Solidarity Corps.
Because it is important to involve young people in the European project and make their voices heard, the European Year of Youth is based on four main objectives:
honor and support young people affected by the pandemic, reinforcing their strength, confidence and hope for the future, focusing on the renewed opportunities and perspectives that the environmental and digital transitions offer;
encourage all young people, especially those from disadvantaged and diverse backgrounds, to become active citizens inspired by a sense of belonging and promote the values of the European Union: freedom, democracy, equality and respect for human dignity and human rights;
promote the opportunities offered by EU policies, such as the Erasmus+ programme, the European Solidarity Corps, the Youth Guarantee and the Youth Employment Initiative, in order to support the youth’s personal, social and professional development;
encourage young Europeans to contribute to EU policies and decisions by giving them the opportunity to express their visions and perspectives of social issues at the various events that will be taking place this year, such as the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Having faced two years of a pandemic that has affected the young people in particular, the European Year of Youth will certainly make a difference in the lives of the European Youth but also in the actions, policies and decisions of the European Union and its Member States, as our generation is the future. The full programme of activities and further information will be available on the Youth Portal, make sure to check it out ; )
Filipa Moreira