This October marks the awareness month of the world’s most prevalent cancer - breast cancer. In 2020, 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer and there were 685,000 deaths globally; which makes cancer the main cause of death in 2020. Unfortunately, some studies show that a rise of 25% in mortality is predicted by 2035… A factor that causes a high incidence of cancer cases, as well as deaths caused by cancer, can be the late screening of the condition. Statistics say that in some countries, such as Bulgaria, for example, more than 90% of cancer patients only detect their cancer after feeling pain. An additional reason is that many people only start treatments a month after finding out about their condition. Such cases are often seen in Hungary and Czech Republic.
But is there a way we can prevent this? Perhaps there is… and that surely means spreading awareness about certain symptoms that are common during the first phase of cancer… yearly check-ups should also be encouraged, even if they mean self-exams, such as the one in the picture below:
But what can we do after we find out WE or someone loved has cancer? Be there for each other… Cancer diagnosis contributes to the development of mental issues, such as depression, which are mainly caused by the stress brought with the diagnosis.. But such a journey leaves survivors with many scars (emotional and physical too), and perhaps the journey doesn’t end at the same time with cancer, that is why it is also extremely important to be there for each other when it comes to cancer survivors, too!
Many women who have suffered from breast cancer tend to feel insecure about themselves after their mastectomy, thus we must let them know that their beauty is still infinite and that it is not defined by their scars, past, proportions or body symmetry. This definitely represents another challenge for them, and they must be supported in order to get over it; even if it’s a body image issue, it is still a struggle that must be acknowledged!
PUMA’s #SheMovesUs campaign aims not only to empower women by inspiring them to overcome challenges in their personal lives and careers but also to raise awareness of issues that are important to women in today’s society. The Formula 1 Women Series drivers, have created videos to explain why #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth is so important stating that ‘breast cancer is an issue that all of us have faced in some shape or form’.
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Kovács Teodora Maria and Filipa Moreira