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How Does the World Celebrate Love?

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Two days ago, thousands of people celebrated Valentine’s Day with heart-shaped letters, chocolates, red roses and stuffed toys. However, is this Parisian, romantic stereotype the only way people express their love towards others? Across the globe, different cultures have adopted this celebration in a way that reflects their own definition of love in accordance with their values and traditions.

The History of Valentine's Day

Before delving into traditions practiced in different countries, it is important to understand the history behind this well-known date. The true origins of the holiday are a mystery and are based on many theories. On one hand, it is said to be based on several Catholic and Roman legends that centre around its patron saint, Valentine. One legend narrates the life of the priest Valentine who served in Rome during the third century. During that time, Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage for young men as he believed that single men made better soldiers. Valentine, outraged by this, went against Claudius’ decree and performed secret marriages for young lovers until he was discovered. Claudius sentenced him to death and he was killed on February 14.

Others argue that Valentine had been killed for attempting to help Christians escape Roman prisons. According to another legend, an imprisoned Valentine was the first person to send a “valentine” greeting after he fell in love with a young girl who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, he wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine,” an expression that is still used today. Valentine would then become one of the most well-known saints in England and France by the Middle Ages, and would be praised for his heroic and romantic acts.

On the other hand, others claim that the Christian church placed St. Valentine’s Day on February 14 in order to “Christianise” Lupercalia, the pagan fertility festival celebrated on February 15, dedicated to Faunus (the Roman god of agriculture) and to the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus.

Valentine’s Day Traditions Around The World


Being one of the most romantic destinations in the world, it is little wonder that France has long celebrated Valentine’s Day. Traditionally, many men and women would go into houses that faced one another, and then would take turns calling out one another and pairing off. Men who were not satisfied with their match would leave a woman for another, and the women left unmatched would gather for a bonfire. During the bonfire, women burned pictures of men who wronged them and hurled swears and insults at the opposite sex. The event became so uncontrollable that the French government was forced to ban the tradition.

South Korea

Couples celebrate the day of love on the 14th of each month. For example, “the black day” is celebrated in April by eating black noodles, “the day of roses” is celebrated in May, “the day of kisses” in June, and so on.


On Valentine’s Day, many young couples marry in an event sponsored by the government as a form of public service, along with a gala event.


February 14 is known as the National Chocolate Day, created by the government as a way to promote tourism in the country. On this day, one of the largest cocoa-producing countries in the world celebrates Valentine’s with performances and music events.

South Africa

On Valentine’s Day, it is customary for South African women to pin the names of their love interest on their shirtsleeves, an ancient Roman tradition known as Lupercalia.


Welsh people celebrate the day of love or St Dwynwen’s Day on January 25, exchanging handcrafted wooden spoons to each other.


The Feast of Saint Dionysus, falling on October 9, is the Spanish day of love. It is usually celebrated by giving lovers marzipan sweets wrapped in a silk scarf or mocador.

South West China

In Miao, the Sisters’ Meal Festival is celebrated on March 15, in which women, wearing traditional silver accessories and dresses, cook various dishes of coloured rice and offer them in a handkerchief to young men walking past them on the street. They give them as gifts with different objects hidden inside the rice, each object having an assigned meaning to them. Two chopsticks mean love and a clove of garlic means the love is over before it has begun.


In the past, on February 24, many young people went to the forest to pick up colourful flowers whilst other couples washed their faces with snow as a sign of good luck. It celebrated both the start of the spring season and the engagement of young couples.


On February 14, it is standard that women buy gifts and chocolates for their male companions or lovers. Men are only able to give gifts to them on March 14, also known as the White Day. However, over time, gender has become less of a factor when carrying out these types of offerings.

Czech Republic

On May 1, young couples make a pilgrimage to the statue of the poet Hynek Macha and kiss under the cherry trees for good luck.


Valentine’s Day was traditionally celebrated as a Spring Festival. On this day, Italian couples follow the tradition of padlocking their love to a bridge and throwing the key away. In Verona – known as the city of Romeo and Juliet – there is a four day Valentine’s celebration, with heart lanterns lining the city, free concerts in the Piazza dei Signori and a love-letter writing contest.


Lovers, apart from chocolates and flowers, exchange a picture/statue/chocolate pig (as they symbolise luck and lust).


In conclusion, having specific days dedicated to showing others affection and gratitude across many cultures and countries shows how much we as a society value the concept of love.

By Anna Alandete







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