Most common examples of traffickers may include:
Brothel and fake massage business owners and managers, employers of domestic servants, gangs and criminal networks, growers and crew leaders in agriculture, intimate partners/family members, labour brokers, factory owners and corporations, pimps, small business owners and managers
Businesses or services that traffickers commonly exploit include:
Advertising (Online and Print), airlines/bus/rail/ taxi companies, financial institutions, money transfer services and informal cash transfer services, hospitality industry, including hotels and motels, labour brokers, recruitment agencies, or independent recruiters, landlords, travel and visa/passport services.
When we talk about human trafficking, we often focus on the victims, and rightfully so. They suffer unimaginable trials and need our love, compassion, and attention. However, it is also important to understand the characteristics and minds of traffickers. Not only is it fascinating, but it can also help us fight their type of organised crime.
Traffickers are usually adult men, but a surprisingly large number of participants are women. In fact, courts see more trafficking women than most other crimes. Not only are these women real traffickers, but they can also work as recruiters. Social dangers are usually described as masculine, and women are usually considered credible, so it is an effective tactic. Women in the industry can be victims of the present or past, but they can also act on their own.
But the most dangerous types of traffickers are those near your home: mothers, fathers, siblings, sisters, or other important people. Families often become traffickers during times of financial stress when people do everything they can to pay their bills-even if it's the health of a loved one to ensure survival, even if it means sacrificing safety and general well-being.
However, the men who sell their girlfriends may have developed relationships as a means of achieving their goals. This is a common strategy used by traffickers: deception. From time to time, they sneak up on girls and women, giving them love, acceptance, and gifts. Victims who need her attention (usually runaway and sexually abused) are exposed to romantic warmth.
Other times, traffickers will offer work opportunities to the impoverished, lying about the job’s tasks and features. Whatever the case, traffickers exploit the vulnerabilities of the victims. By the time victims realize what’s going on, it’s too late; threats, abuse, and manipulation bind their wrists together, imprisoning them with emotional, mental, and physical chains.
The reason traffickers exploit fellow human beings? The crime teems with money, raking in $32 billion every year (UNODC, 2005). People are a commodity that can be used again and again, which stuffs pimps’ wallets with serious profits. As an anonymous federal prosecutor stated, “One of the pimps said he got out of drugs and into prostitution because you could make more money and wouldn’t get as much time in jail”.
Most of us don't understand how one person abuses another person for money. That idea makes us sick and confused. And if it's not because of their twisted attitude and worldview, it's probably going to do the same for traffickers. These people use selfish logic to push the blame off their shoulders. They may claim that they are helping their victims by saying they have "saved" them from poverty and the streets. They can dehumanize workers. A trafficker in the Czech Republic said his girl was "more like what he owns" than an employee. You can blame those who blame their actions. In an interview, a Chicago prostitute said: "Why judge those who survived when no one is trying to stop this lifestyle? Don't knock on fighting women". Through all these and other methods, traffickers can justify their atrocities and live with themselves.
What we could connect their psyche with is greed. Greed is also associated with negative psychological states such as stress, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, and despair, and with maladaptive behaviours such as gambling, scavenging, hoarding, trickery, and theft.
Often, addiction is in the face of risk and seeking rewards. For dangerous or illegal substances, the rewards are high and there is a risk of physical harm, dependence, or legal consequences. No matter how often you use it, addicts will not be able to fill the gaps that are attracted to drugs from the beginning. If no cure is found, gradually increase the dose as the body develops resistance to the substance. The height is no longer high enough. Certain types of greed work on a similar principle.
According to psychologist Dr Victor Shamas, greed and substance use activate similar hedonic pathways in the brain. Not surprisingly, gambling addiction is particularly closely associated with greed. In both scenarios, the feeling of joy comes not only from the end result but also from the process of seeking rewards, Shamas said.
In an article for Psychology Today, psychologist Leon F. Seltzer, PhD, argued that greed, like addiction, is often a coping mechanism for unresolved mental health issues. By acquiring incredible wealth or success, people with deep insecurities strive to feel like they are finally good enough or better than their peers. The logic is similar to how substances can provide temporary relief for emotional and physical pain.
Wealth often leads to higher levels of narcissism and entitlement, according to a study from the University of California, Berkeley. People of high economic status tend to be self-centred and believe those with fewer assets are lazy. This mindset often causes a lack of empathy that has a negative impact on society.
Society usually considers greed and related traits to be desirable rather than potential mental health issues. Ambition and success are appealing to most people. This ubiquitous attitude makes it difficult for greedy people to recognize their actions and beliefs that they are potentially harmful to themselves and others. We must emphasize the value of peace in order to combat the greedy epidemic that left many in the sand. Wealthy mentally, there are no prizes or prizes. If you feel that more desires are driving your life, consider working with a therapist, especially one who specializes in addiction and ambition issues.
There are ways to end crimes.
Iva Ivanišević