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Tackling Disparities in Cancer Care Across the Central and Eastern European Regions

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Importance of the topic

Cancer is the second leading cause of mortality in the EU countries after cardiovascular disease, 2.6 million people being diagnosed with this disease every year and 1.2 million losing their lives because of it. Despite encouraging advantages in science and technology, cancer rates continue to rise. Unless decisive action is taken now, cancer cases are believed to increase by 24% by 2035.

Inequalities are sadly a feature of cancer care, especially between Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Western Europe (WE). In 2018, countries from CEE reported the lowest incidence rates for cancer in males and females, yet the highest mortality rates, in comparison to other European regions. The underdevelopment of CEE has become alarming; discrepancies in investment in health systems and infrastructure impede the adoption of advanced technology and services available in the West.

For instance, Romania, which is not equipped with a cancer screening program, has reported a 14.3% mortality rate in cervical cancer cases, compared to the EU average of 3%.

What has happened so far?

Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan was launched in 2021 with the aim of beating cancer. It comprises legislative and non-legislative measures, introducing the NCCPs-National Cancer Control Plans. Regardless of their ambitious plan it is still believed that it does not properly address the discrepancies between the East and the West.

Alarming aspects

CEE countries have been severely criticized for their lack of relevant NCCPs. At present, NCCPs are either not in place or not being implemented effectively. Of the CEE states, 54% have not produced a NCCP and of countries that have produced one, many face problems with implementation, compared to the 90% of Western countries with a NCCP.

Another alarming aspect is the lack of screening, treatment and early diagnosis in the East. According to a 2019 patient survey carried out in Bulgaria, 94% of patients reported their cancer was only detected after seeing a physician due to the suspicion of a problem, whilst only 6% reported detection via a screening program for an unrelated health problem. Moreover, this far, only 46% of CEE countries have implemented screening programs for cervical, breast and colorectal cancer whilst Bulgaria and Slovakia are the 2 out of 3 EU member states that lack a population-based breast cancer screening program.

Together, the EU can work towards:

  • A tobacco-free generation: ensuring that less than 5% of the population uses tobacco by 2040;

  • Reduce harmful alcohol consumption in line with the targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (predicting a relative reduction of at least 10% in the harmful use of alcohol by 2025) and reduce young people’s exposure to the alcoholic beverages market;

  • Reduce environmental pollution by aligning the EU’s air quality standards with the World Health Organization’s guidelines and reduce exposure to carcinogenic substances and radiation;

  • Improve knowledge and health literacy to promote healthier lifestyles.

It is clear that, through determined effort and coordinated policy initiatives, inequalities can be reduced and progress can be made. The opportunity is there and it is up to us to seize it. We must work together to drive change: The time for action is now.

Giulia Jugrestan

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